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Never Married
Staten Island, New York
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In their own words

Lover of Classical culture and women

I did not come from an affluent family. After college I found it difficult to date without a car or job. Until recently mother lived in my house. A house we bought 8 years ago with savings and salary. I enjoyed spending my time being with, and taking care of my elderly mother. It kept me socially isolated, and it was a sacrifice. A sacrifice I will never regret. I was her only child. Presently, I live alone. And if you should need me, as a husband in both good and bad times, I also would always be there for you too, and never leave you. I am a Greek Rite Catholic, which means I use the same Liturgy as the Orthodox. We use the Old Calendar. Mother was Italian. My father was Polish. And while I was born in U.S., I also have Italian Citizenship. Love Classical Civilization, Opera, History, and have a TRADITIONAL European mentality. And I am proud to be heir of such a glorious ancient civilization. I like the beach, and parks. Enjoy plays [love greek tragedies! and Shakespeare], operas, and dance music too! Like to walk, and swim. And go for drives. Looking For: Should be the right "chemistry". The woman should care about elderly and family, and she should do her best to try to integrate me into her life. I WANT to belong to your life. There should be no "personal space" between us. She should seek to be one of one mind with me. Opposite personalities need not clash, but may even compliment each other's strengths, and supplement each other's weaknesses.

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