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In their own words

A treasure waiting to be discovered

It is difficult to put into words what I am looking for. I suppose you know when you feel and see it. I am an honest, caring, loving woman who only wants to find her missing half. I would like to meet a man who has the intention of settling down one day. A person who will make me laugh when I am sad, Who will respect me and value my opinion. To build on the values that our family has taught us.To build a family and to live a healthy, happy life. I know it is hard in this day and age to find that but I know he exists out there and me finding him or him finding me will make me the luckiest girl in the world and him the luckiest guy in the world. Until that happens I will keep on searching. So you never know maybe you might be that person. Life sometimes can take an expected turn and this might just be our lucky break. You never know what it could lead to.

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