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Never Married
Saint Paul, Minnesota
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In their own words

I've been a hermit long enough

Ok, I guess I've been a hermit long enough. Why have I waited so long to get out their? I think I just always thought the right person would find me and I wouldn't have to do anything but sit pretty. Now I see that is not the case. I am naturally a quiet person. Not shy, just quiet and reserved. I do better in very small groups rather than parties. In fact I hate parties. I like all kinds of personalities. It's really hard to pin point a specific type of person I'm looking for. All I know is that I don't like arrogance...but who's going to admit to being arrogant, right? I have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor. The right kind of sarcasm is an art. One thing I know for certain about myself is that I will be doing something in the creative field. I love all things artsy...almost. I don't necessarily need to be with an artist, just someone who appreciates it. I'm a very laid back person, but I do believe there are things that are right and wrong. I like people to stand up for what they believe, but also respect other opinions. I love nature. I crave it. But then I also crave the city at times. I love both worlds and it would be nice to find someone who likes to do stuff like go hiking or hang out at a sidewalk cafe in the city. I love trying new long as they don't involve public dancing, running or free falling. Similar faith is also important. I'm Old Calender Orthodox and attend regularly.

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