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Never Married
Anjou, Quebec
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In their own words

Perhaps we can share a story together.

Hi there. Let's see if I can offer you an accurate description of myself. First of all, I am...unfussy and a hopeful romantic. I do like nice things, but I don't get excited over shoes, handbags, fancy cars, diamonds, or makeup. What drives me? Energizing conversation, crystal blue ocean water, exploring the wonders of the world, crisp mountain air, chocolate, and a good storyteller. Also, I have a good head on my shoulders, I love little surprises, and I enjoy trying new things at least once. Finally, I may not be able to throw a football or a frisbee very far, but I can hold my own at love and at play! There you have it, in 150 words or less! Looking For: Now, let's see if I can offer up a portrait of my "ideal" guy. First of all, he is both strong and sensitive, stable yet spontaneous. He prefers walking over running and travelling over sitting. Also, he knows how to tell an interesting story rather than a tawdry joke. He is, simply put, an all around nice guy (for those of us who remember what nice really means), and he believes in random acts of kindness. There you go; that's my kind of guy!

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