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Looking for a different kind of woman (see below)

Does anyone ever show any genuine interest to these narratives? Or does it go something like this? ; She searches for someone the desired age, location, & most importantly to her, the desired physical attributes... She thinks "Oh he looks hot!" Reads a bit about him so that she picks up on a tread giving her something to talk about when she writes to him... If that's how you operate on here, you probably haven't seen my profile as I didn't make it through your very selective (ambitious? unrealistic?) search criteria! (Yes I am a bit sarcastic or am I too close to the truth?) If I have got your attention then I hope you will realise that I'm not the kind of guy you meet every day. I'm different / special :) and that's how I like it. If you are different / special too then I'd love to hear from you.

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