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Never Married
Vancouver, British Columbia
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In their own words

Knowledge is power.

Honestly, I feel like if I were to write something in here it would sound sugar coated and generic even though it would not be. However, a majority of people will write about themselves tailored to what they think people want or like. Thus, not showing the true self wouldn't you want someone to like you for just being YOU? So if you want to know anything ask me and I'll let you know unless granted it is an inappropriate question. Here it goes... here's a birds eye view of my life right now: I am a bubbly and sometimes way to energetic person but never being tired has it's perks! I am currently finishing up my other major and am a pre med student. I love being athletic but sometimes my motivation may lack. Due to my metabolism being wicked awesome so eating multiple chocolate bars a day and packs of bacon doesn't make me gain a pound so really the only motivation is the endorphins. I think people that are into exercising are great because they're into taking care of themselves and it lets people blow off some stress :). I enjoy spending time with rad, fun, open minded, smart, easy going people. I am a sucker for genuinely nice people. Don't be fake be your true self everyone has flaws and that's why we all have different attributes to bring to the table so we can learn from one another. The end.

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