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Never Married
Brookline, Massachusetts
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In their own words

the eyes are the lamp of the soul

If you are wondering why I'm here its because my parents were converts to the Greek Orthodox Church and thus I was raised in that setting. Thus most of my friends are Greeks! Since then I have been to Greece twice, both times for study, one of those times as an exchange student for an entire year. I have learned to speak greek fairly well, so I have been told. I love the greek people and culture. I thought it might be possible one day to marry a greek girl because I love thier traditional values and religion. I would like to meet a girl that envisions having a loving family. I would also like to meet a woman of the Orthodox faith, that could encourage me when I'm down, and someone that would like to grow together. She must have a strong sense of family, a strong sense of love, and be socially mature. As for me, I am a laid back guy (I'm from San Diego) and love the sea. Surf, fish, swim and love the sun. I'm currently working on a Master's degree in Boston.

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