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In their own words

" There's a wildside to every innocent face"

... Just because i'm quiet doesn't mean i don't have anything to say. i judge people too easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for the perfect guy, than settle for anybody. I'm unpredictable & spontaneus, i try to be forgiving, i enjoy being unique. I'd rather look immature and have fun than care what other people think. Sometimes i'm really confident, other times i feel really insecure. My friends mean a lot to me, but sometimes i just want to be alone. I envy people who can fit in so easily without even trying. I'm opinionated & stubborn, but i'm loyal, sincere & caring. I always try to see the best in people ...even if they annoy me. I hate when people make me feel guilty to get their way. I'll always be here to listen to your problems & i will stick up for you no matter what happens...

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