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Never Married
Durham, North Carolina
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Young Professional Greek girl looking for her match

I have been in the south since 1997, but one thing is for sure, you can take the girl out of the bronx, but you can't take the bronx outta the girl. I am getting both my MD and PhD degrees. My PhD work is genetics. Interests: I like to people watch--not in a stalkerish way, but more so in a social commentary way. Also, I loooove singing along with TV commercial jingles.. on the TOP of my lungs! Favorite Music:I dont necessarily listen to just one genre of music, BUT I will readily admit that I love the 80's and yes, you will often find me listening to old school Def Leopard, Guns and Roses, and Bon Jovi.. you may even catch me flailing my hair around when doing so.but I am NO headbanger!Favorite TV Shows: Law & Order (all variations except the Criminal Intent one because that guy creeps me out), The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Soup, all the Vh1 train wreck reality shows, SNL weekend update, Family Guy, old episodes of The King of Queens. Also, the pathology nut in me really likes to watch Dr. G Medical Examiner. Oh ya, I will also watch reruns of most 70's& 80's TV sitcoms. You should see my DVD collection- I ? All in the Family!Favorite Movies: I'll watch almost anything at least once, but I must admit I have a preference for mafia flicks.Anyways, Im looking for a down to earth, laid back kind of guy, who can carry a good conversation but also doesn't mind being really silly at times!

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