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Never Married
Long Island City, New York
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In their own words

I may have to just pay you chicks to semi-date me...HA!

I'm worn. I'm desperate. The dating world is enough to make this cry. I'm not marriage material. What this hot male honestly needs from this site is networking connections. ;) For example, my few female acquaintances are typical American mummies who couldn't dress a salad, let alone dress themselves. And I need some Greek chicas - not the ones with all the Aqua Net in their hair, but the ones with real talent - to give me some fashion tips. Or I might just need "arm candy" for when my parents show up and harass me about not having a girlfriend. Somewhere out there is a Hellene babe who can help this hot male fake it! ;) (I'm not hot, and I'm lousy at long-term relationships).

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