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Never Married
Miami Beach, Florida
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In their own words

French Greek from Montreal to Miami living a beautiful beach life alone...

What would you do if you had no chance of failing? Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Love people who love you and treat you right, forget those who don't, they don't deserve you. If you get a second chance in life, grab it with both hands- if it changes your life, let it, nobody said life would be easy, they just promised that it would be worth it. Life is too short, kiss slowly, laugh often, love truly and forgive quickly. The most amazing things can happen even late in the game. I still have faith that there are men today who have the same respect and loyalty that my father has shown my mother. The type of man, when finding a good woman-asks himself- "what can I offer this woman to make her happy?" instead of "what can she do for me?"

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