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Never Married
Malvern, Pennsylvania
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In their own words

Looking for someone sweet and normal!

I'm actually a simple, normal person. I work a boring job, hang out with my friends occassionally, go to the gym and sleep. I'm a good girl with a big mouth. I'm very outgoing and can make friends anywhere I go. I spent my whole life trying to make other people happy and I never thought about myself. Slowly I'm learning how to change that, it's a lot harder than I thought. Looking For: I'm looking for someone that appreciates me for who I am not what I can do for them. Someone that accepts me, flaws and all. I'm a smart, good girl, and I try to see the best in people. So far, every guy I have ever met has made me feel as though I owe him something and takes and takes and doesn't know how to give every once in awhile. I would like to meet someone who can break that cycle. Relationships I have had in the past have made me pessimistic so I don't expect to find someone on here, but i'm not opposed to making some friends =)

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